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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

hey! long time no see

wow....cant online at home edi T.T no line T.T

now at cc with xin pei and her brother,coz wan update my blog mar~ hahahaha!

exam finished very long jor~ thiss time exam very hard lor~ the chemistry very kedekut lor~ little bit oso want to minus my marks T.T bm pass leh~ very nan de...hahaha! sejarah get 64 leh~ i know still very cha lar but i got improve mar~ give me some claps lor,hahaha! but must thank you wei ying lar,she helps me a lot,and mrs wong (tuition teacher) and other friends like mei yen and ke ni,hahaha!

today my class spot check leh~ this was the second time i kena spot check in the class..for so many years..hahah! then hor~keni gave me d kangaroo key chain kena rampas!! ARHHHHH!!! wat i gonna do?? keni sure vr angry and sad d T.T ............i think jor very long,then i decide to go take back that key chain. wow,i stand outside the bilik disiplin for a very long time with siew hoong...hahahaha! than i saw mr.tham mar~ i meh asked him still remember me anit loh...my god! he still can remember me leh...he said :" you 1B4 d mar~ " hahaha! bingo! he so clever! wait jor about 20 min, pengawas asked me and siew hoong went in. pn.joyce smile smile and looked at us..than only she gave back our things..haha! luckily she felt happy today.haha! she change hair style jor o,haha! but change little bit oni lar~

hey , u have to wait very long only got another new post o,sorry arh~ whenever i can online than i come update my blog k? ^^

Monday, June 1, 2009


今天10点早上才起床,弟弟上了佛学班,爸爸去了工作,剩下我和妈妈在家。。妈咪说,等下我们去图书馆,然后走路去 Ben Zhi 那边。 omg,你知道从PJ图书馆到清莲堂 (*佛堂的名称) 有多远吗? 从assunta hospital 走到精武华小,有几够力吗?!! chs 到 la salle 那么远叻!!!!! 我说这样不好,妈咪又不听 T.T


天啊! 天气那么热! 顶不顺啊!! T.T haiz...终于到了。。好像去取西经酱,有一种喜悦,那就是 <我们终于到了!!!> 很感动 T.T


过后,我们去书展。the mines的书展。我们要在那边呆到它关门,因为爸爸那个时候才来。。。。 T.T

在书展,遇到一件事。事情是酱的。我在看一本杂志,对面来了两个chs form 3 的女生,不认识的。她们的朋友,突然走过来。。。。

很lame hor~~ 哈哈!
妈妈今天很生气,因为一直要找我们。他们坐在那边休息,我去前面看东西。一转身,两个不见了。。到九点了,我才到讲台那边找他们。幸好他们在那边。如果不在,你要我去哪里找啊? 书展那么大! 走之前,我买了一个 rubik's cube,希望可以学会玩。哈哈!
过后我们到the mines那边吃chicken rice shop的鸡饭。差点没有饭吃,因为他们的饭要卖完了。


如果有人说你长得像娃娃,是不是会很开心叻? 因为娃娃象征可爱,美丽... 不过,如果有人讲我长得像娃娃,我会觉得很恐怖,因为..娃娃在鬼故事里面是很有名的。。。哈哈哈!


那时,我和慧韵在等慧韵的爸爸 (另外有一女,三男也是在等车) 来。突然。。一个 indian (注:uncle 的年纪) 迎面走来,他问:" you all study at the college upstairs arh?"

慧韵和jia yin:" ???? erm... it's a tuition centre..."

indian:" o...(点头...然后指着可爱的慧韵) you look like my doll lar. I have a doll at house look like you. The hair,the look,and it 绑牙 too."

我想:" wah~厉害咯。。谁设计的娃娃,还有绑牙的哩!!"

indian:" (指着可爱的慧韵) what's your name?"

我立刻转过去跟慧韵讲:" 不要跟他讲你名字,随便跟他讲一个。"

indian立刻问我:"what did you tell her?"



indian:"you want go to my house to see the doll?"

我们:"!!!!!! no. don't wan. thank you."

indian:"you don't want..........(还没讲完)"



恐怖没有? 有人叫你回他家,看一个长得很像你的娃娃。。。当时我一直在想像那个娃娃的样子。。像慧韵? 怎样想像也想像不到长得像慧韵咯。哈哈哈!! 我第一个想到的,就是恐怖的娃娃。难道有人要寻找长得像娃娃的那个人,就可以和灵魂沟通??! 呵呵。。。想太多。

觉得,坏人无所不在,随时可在,大家可要小心啊!!!!! 我是认真的。。。